"With an exchange of my personal conviction, I came to realize that in the face of some losses, I have what it takes to win! It is a fight that takes courage and through divine help and the unconventional means of a dice-rolling game, I want to help others in coming to that same realization; the youth of today especially."
Bishop Daniel Covington
Senior Pastor - JGNBOD
Hello, my name is Wendy. To share a little about myself, in my early years of education I struggled with my speech. One experience in particular, caused me to have a limited belief about myself growing up that remained on into my adult years. Although verbal communication was challenging for me, I was creative. Fast-forward to 2005, that is the year I found success in marketing of an educational game that my daughter and I worked on together. In 2011, the concept of another game idea called "No Dice!" came to me. I didn't know then what the game foreshadowed; that would take living a little.
Over the next decade life had convinced me that by all accounts I had come up short. It was a full-on battle to overpower the thoughts I believed about myself. In 2022 while on a 3-day hiatus, I read the bible story of Gideon - a man who had a low opinion of himself, yet God called him a mighty man of valor. He went on to defeat a great army. By the end of the getaway, thoughts of my childhood experience and the 10-year old game idea resurfaced. In the game of No Dice!, a loss is what's needed in order to win. Just as Gideon did, based upon being called by who God knew him to be, I started to gain new perspective about myself and a clearer picture of the game's purpose.
With an exchange of my personal conviction, I came to realize that in the face of some losses, I have what it takes to win! It is a fight that takes courage and through divine help and the unconventional means of a dice-rolling game, I; along with the membership of Johnson Grove NBOD Church, want to help others in coming to that same realization; the youth of today especially. My story and relationship with Christ, is how and why the Valor Exchange Foundation came to be.
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